Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
224 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "CVSplitter"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Internal variables for forms and controls
Private ctlLeft As Control
Private ctlRight As Control
Private objContainer As Object
' Sizes of borders and pixels
Private xSplit As Single
Private dxSplit As Single
Private xPixel As Single
Private yPixel As Single
Private dxBorder As Single
Private dyBorder As Single
' Flags
Private fResize As Boolean
Private fAutoBorder As Boolean
Private fDragging As Boolean
Private fDragIcon As Boolean
Private fCreated As Boolean
' Old mouse pointer, draw style, and draw mode
Private mpOld As Integer
Private dsOld As Integer
Private dmOld As Integer
' AutoRedraw
Private arOld As Boolean
' Create a splitter window
Function Create(vLeftControl As Control, vRightControl As Control, _
Optional vBorderPixels As Variant, _
Optional vAutoBorder As Variant, _
Optional vResizeable As Variant) As Boolean
Create = True
fCreated = False
On Error GoTo CreateError
' Set internal controls
Set ctlLeft = vLeftControl
Set ctlRight = vRightControl
Set objContainer = ctlLeft.Container
objContainer.AutoRedraw = True
If objContainer.ClipControls Then GoTo CreateError
' Save resizable and AutoBorder flags
If IsMissing(vResizeable) Then vResizeable = True
fResize = vResizeable
If IsMissing(vAutoBorder) Then vAutoBorder = True
fAutoBorder = vAutoBorder
' Size of one in pixel in current scale
xPixel = objContainer.ScaleX(1, vbPixels, objContainer.ScaleMode)
yPixel = objContainer.ScaleY(1, vbPixels, objContainer.ScaleMode)
' Set splitter size
If IsMissing(vBorderPixels) Then
fAutoBorder = True
vBorderPixels = 4
End If
dxSplit = vBorderPixels * xPixel
' Set border size
If fAutoBorder Then
dxBorder = ctlLeft.Left
dyBorder = ctlLeft.Top
dxBorder = vBorderPixels * xPixel
dyBorder = vBorderPixels * yPixel
End If
' Size the controls
If ctlRight.Left < ctlLeft.Left Then GoTo CreateError
If xRight(ctlRight) < xRight(ctlLeft) Then GoTo CreateError
fCreated = True
Exit Function
Create = False
End Function
Sub Resize()
' Move everything in border size from the edge
ctlLeft.Left = dxBorder
ctlLeft.Top = objContainer.ScaleTop + dyBorder
' ctlLeft.Width ' Unchanged
ctlLeft.Height = objContainer.ScaleHeight - (2 * dyBorder)
ctlRight.Left = xRight(ctlLeft) + dxSplit
ctlRight.Top = dyBorder
ctlRight.Width = objContainer.ScaleWidth - ctlRight.Left - dxBorder
ctlRight.Height = ctlLeft.Height
End Sub
Sub VSplitter_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
With objContainer
If Not fCreated Then Exit Sub
Dim xPos As Single
' Change the cursor to splitter or back
If X <= ctlRight.Left And X >= xRight(ctlLeft) Then
If .MousePointer <> 99 And .MousePointer <> vbSizeWE Then
mpOld = .MousePointer
If .MouseIcon.Type <> vbPicTypeIcon Then
.MousePointer = vbSizeWE
.MousePointer = 99
End If
End If
If (.MousePointer = 99 Or .MousePointer = vbSizeWE) _
And Button <> vbLeftButton Then
.MousePointer = mpOld
End If
End If
' Move the splitter line if within range
If fDragging And (xSplit <> X) And _
(X > (xPixel * 20)) And (X < (.ScaleWidth - (xPixel * 40))) Then
.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
.DrawMode = vbInvert
xPos = xSplit
' Erase old line
objContainer.Line (xPos - xPixel, ctlLeft.Top)-(xPos + xPixel, yBottom(ctlLeft)), , B
' Draw new line
xPos = X
objContainer.Line (xPos - xPixel, ctlLeft.Top)-(xPos + xPixel, yBottom(ctlLeft)), , B
xSplit = xPos
End If
End With
End Sub
' Put in MouseMove of the contained controls
Sub VSplitter_MouseOff()
With objContainer
If Not fCreated Then Exit Sub
If .MousePointer = 99 Or .MousePointer = vbSizeWE Then .MousePointer = mpOld
End With
End Sub
Sub VSplitter_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
With objContainer
If Not fCreated Then Exit Sub
Dim xPos As Single
xPos = xRight(ctlLeft)
' If over splitter start a drag
If (xPos < X) And (X < ctlRight.Left) Then
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
' Save and restore state
fDragging = True
dsOld = .DrawStyle
dmOld = .DrawMode
arOld = .AutoRedraw
.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
.DrawMode = vbInvert
.AutoRedraw = False
' Draw the splitter line and save position
xPos = xPos + (dxBorder / 3)
objContainer.Line (xPos - xPixel, ctlLeft.Top)-(xPos + xPixel, yBottom(ctlLeft)), , B
xSplit = xPos
End If
If .MousePointer = 99 Or .MousePointer = vbSizeWE Then .MousePointer = mpOld
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub VSplitter_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
With objContainer
If Not fCreated Then Exit Sub
Dim xPos As Single
If fDragging Then
' Erase old line
.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
.DrawMode = vbInvert
xPos = xSplit
objContainer.Line (xPos - xPixel, ctlLeft.Top)-(xPos + xPixel, yBottom(ctlLeft)), , B
.DrawStyle = dsOld
.DrawMode = dmOld
fDragging = False
' Resize the panes if in range
If X > (xPixel * 20) And X < (.ScaleWidth - (xPixel * 20)) Then
ctlLeft.Width = X - ctlLeft.Left - (dxSplit / 2)
ctlRight.Left = xRight(ctlLeft) + dxSplit
ctlRight.Width = .ScaleWidth - ctlRight.Left - dxBorder
End If
.DrawStyle = dsOld
.DrawMode = dmOld
.AutoRedraw = arOld
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub VSplitter_Resize()
If objContainer Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Not fCreated Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
' Only forms have WindowState
If objContainer.WindowState <> vbMinimized And fResize Then Resize
' Must not be form
If Err And fResize Then Resize
End Sub
Private Function xRight(obj As Object) As Single
xRight = obj.Left + obj.Width
End Function
Private Function yBottom(obj As Object) As Single
yBottom = obj.Top + obj.Height
End Function